Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Knit Picks demos different ways to wear shawls
ABC’s of moi
cristine of book tumbling tagged me for this ABC meme.
Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Share your ABC’s
3. Tag three people at the end by linking to their blogs
4. Let the three tagged people know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website
5. Do not tag the same person repeatedly but try to tag different people, so there is a big network of bloggers doing this tag
Available or single? neither
Best Friend? sheila!
Cake or Pie? Cake
Drink of choice? lady grey tea
Essential item for every day use? my mac
Favorite color? green
Google? swagbuck
Hometown? don't have army brat born in the panama canal zone
Indulgences? brand spanking new books, fuzzy socks, Triple Shot iced Breve
January or February? how well do i have things organized for taxes this time!
Kids and their names? oscar wild and mystery puppy
Life is incomplete without…? critters
Marriage date? august 14, 1986
Number of siblings? 2 one dead one not
Oranges or apples? fresh oranges (navel) and crisp apples (whatever happened to winesaps)
Phobias and fears? that the damn water heater will break and flood the house again!
Quote for the day? “to err is human, to really screw up you need a computer!" unknown
Reason to smile? critters
Season? pepper and garlic and as little salt as possible
Tag 3 people?
lori of psychotic state
eleni of la femme readers
hervee of book bird dog
And anyone else who would like to play!
Unknown fact about me? i have the coolest most versatile blue electric wheelchair in the world.
Vegetable you hate? boiled is so pornographic!
Worst habit? bitting my cuticles...well, it;s better than bitting my finger nails.
X-rays you’ve had? every thing but my eyes, ears and nose.
Your fave food? good mexican
Zodiac sign? leo
Do what you will with this information!!!!