Wednesday, September 3, 2008

i took this for giggles...what do you think?

Your result for The Best Thing About You Test...


Compassion is your strongest virtue

Compassion is the most human of the virtues. And you? Your heart has limits far beyond normal levels empathy, and your capacity for feeling the world's pain is boundless. You poor, beautiful, wonderful thing. All 7 virtues are a part of you, but your compassion runs deepest.

It is likely you're an altruist. And it's likely (but not necessarily true, think of Bono) that your humility score is high too.

Compassionate famous people: Brad Pitt, Mother Theresa, The A-Team.

Your raw relative scores follow. 0% is low, and 100% is perfect, nearly impossible. Note that I pitted the virtues against each other, so in some way these are relative scores. It's impossible to score high on all of them, and a low score on one is just relatively low compared to the other virtues.


80% Compassion

44% Intelligence

63% Humility

67% Honesty

13% Discipline

43% Courage

50% Passion

Take The Best Thing About You Test at HelloQuizzy