Sunday, June 14, 2009

how to input a blog roller the EASY way!

Angie Knutson of my four monkeys gave some simple instructions for making a blog roll (they are from an email). you don't know how hard i have tried to figure this one out. she has made it so simple for me (sorry i can't make it as much for you), i want to share it with anyone else with bald spots from the hair pulling (can't help with the nashed teeth but the hair grows back. i promise).

now i have to get inventive to give them to you, as the last time i tried to input the data, everything started scrolling (stop laughing). please read the text below which is struck through...i can't get it out!

You got layout, click on add element, select Add HTML code, and paste it there. The great thing is you can go in and add and move around the order of the buttons whenever you want.

arrowleftcenter arrowrightarrowleftdiv class="textwidget"arrowrightarrowleftmarquee direction="up" width="200" onmouseover="this.stop()" scrollamount="6" onmouseout="this.start()" height="400" align="center">

Sandy: i put two spaces in between each code set (button text) for easy on eyes and ease on problem solving with a particular button.)

this is where the buttons/code text goes


ok, arrowleft should be < ... arrowrightarrowleft should be <> ... got it, replace the highlighted words with the correct symbol.

and now we see if it works! i think it does, but if not, let me know your email address and i will send a copy of her email.


Angie said...

So glad it worked for you!


Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

Thank you for adding my blog button! Be sure to head back over on Tues to enter the next giveaway. I appreciate you support!!