Friday, August 1, 2014

Making the No ‘Poo Resolution

This title is the one that Diane Kidman used on her web side. I am sending you there because in it she has the recipes she uses.

Because I am in a medical facility, I decided to go the Wen way with their starter package as it will be easier on me and the aids that help me.

NOTE: when I get back home, I will go to the No 'Poo solution! I was talking with one of my Occupational Therapists and her Physical Therapist teammate and discovered they are both Wen girls. They, too, find it rather expensive. One has very short hair with the typical negroid texture. The other lady is from Porto Rico with dark, naturally wavy Polynesian hair of medium to long hair. My hair is fine, way thinner that it was when in my thirties when it was thick enough to require thinning and down to my waist. They are thinking about going to No 'Poo as well for the economics of it verse the cost of Wen. I will try to keep you posted when I get my shipment of Wen, then out of here and onto No 'Poo...also, what they experience if they go No 'Poo. 

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